Aug 12, 2016
I feel as though I’m on a beach freed from a forest with much to teach it spoke with me, like a leaf to a peach although while inside...

Aug 1, 2016
The mountains here reach for the sky grounded, still but towering high to peak among eagles that fly and ignite the winds; a...

May 31, 2016
In Lieu Of
I’ve been told, time and again through praise in prose from those who hold tight familiar fences, like a hen in a pen as relentless as...

Apr 26, 2016
April 25 - May 1 2016 ~ repo mission ~
~ April 26 - I'm aboard, in the forward cabin. There's five snoring seamen snoozin about the Girl, so many stories to share. We caught...

Apr 4, 2016
Where o where do I want to be, these edges of town are pulling at me as is the desire to just be free sometimes I'm unsure what it is...

Mar 3, 2016
Untitled (group shot)
( terrible photograph taken in Camosun's library of this acrylic painting by Angela Grossman titled "Group Shot (Untitled)" ) As part...

May 13, 2015
Steal me from my nine to five take me where I feel alive, let’s go on an everlasting drive just don’t take me home. We’ll skip this...

Mar 18, 2015
At night when streets are empty I often walk alone, like a girl lost in their shadows or the soul heir to their throne. Re-tracing...

Mar 17, 2015
Expect the unexpected I've heard this said before and so I sit awaiting the devil's knock on my door. I feel I've lived in clarity ...

Jan 11, 2015
Vacant Voice
String some words together easier said than done, when pen and page in front of me my mind begins to run. I'll be whisked off to a...