Apr 18, 2021
Matriarchy, Please.
My father texts me asking “Do you know what red clothing hanging in the trees mean?” I respond “Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women who...

Jan 26, 2020
day in the life
Today my friends ( /business partners ) and I cooked Sunday brunch at our cafe/bakery/bulk grocery store which we run out of an old...

Jan 26, 2020
There is climbing ivy deep emerald green with splayed and hopeful veins pressed into each leaf creeping t’wards my books. In the fall,...

Jan 20, 2020
I once loved a man over twice my age who would look into my eyes and say he saw everything he needed. He called me a Woman, a Queen, an...

Jan 20, 2020
I finish my night shift and walk outside into the mist of melting snow and a clear sky. The morning is quiet as they usually are but...

Jan 18, 2020
response to: our water
I should know better than what? Is there such a thing as to know better than these cedars, these shores, these vast beaches that hold...

Jan 18, 2020
Why am I out here? In a ramshackle shack with no running water and gaping gaps I cannot see where the rats get in. Why am I out here? ...

Jan 18, 2020
As a Capricorn I am too hard on myself, lingering always on my shortcomings or the goals I’ve envisioned and let fall by the wayside. ...

Jan 18, 2020
our water
I wasn’t aware that I hadn’t mentioned in a plain and straightforward way how we haven’t had running water in eleven months. In the...

Oct 6, 2018
Wild Ones
Way up north where the trees hang heavy, dripping and covered in moss, live the wild ones in a wild land - oh if their homes could...

Dec 28, 2017
Winter's Arrival
The world outside is cold and frozen the night air is still, frost has coasted our garden winter has brought its chill. The street...

Jul 15, 2017
july 14th, 4:20am
Wild womyn, you can’t grow like this. Listen to those longings in your chest that burning yearning, it’s speaking to you. Every...

Jun 21, 2017
solstice '17
I’m here beside the buttercups as happy as can be, every single one looks like it’s smiling at me. I’m here in the tall grass so...

Jun 6, 2017
solo archipelago
I wonder if I became an island not just so I’d grow, but maybe cuz I was born & raised on an archipelago. As living things we draw...

Jun 5, 2017
Adjust for Goodness
It is always refreshing when you are second-guessing if things are not quite meshing, ask and you’ll be told. If you sit in...

May 29, 2017
Reminder for today
Encouragement is a gift that many go without, it's something we all need to silence our self doubt. when foraging a path and...

May 25, 2017
Nasti Weather
Out here the weather bellows all across the land, it pushes through the trees and runs across the sand. It thunders on our roofs ...

Jan 26, 2017
sovereign skies
Before, I thought I was lost. I roamed here and there moving with ease, following only the breeze, each bend in the road an alluring...

Jan 11, 2017
rambled wander
I am not the road. I am merely a traveller upon a path, though sometimes I feel that I am an unfurling expanse extending t'ward the...

Oct 6, 2016
Samhain 2016
Will you see me in the pre-dawn hour when night is deepest black, and all the shadows pile up so many I lose track. Will you hear me...

Aug 12, 2016
I feel as though I’m on a beach freed from a forest with much to teach it spoke with me, like a leaf to a peach although while inside...

Aug 1, 2016
The mountains here reach for the sky grounded, still but towering high to peak among eagles that fly and ignite the winds; a...

May 31, 2016
In Lieu Of
I’ve been told, time and again through praise in prose from those who hold tight familiar fences, like a hen in a pen as relentless as...

Apr 26, 2016
April 25 - May 1 2016 ~ repo mission ~
~ April 26 - I'm aboard, in the forward cabin. There's five snoring seamen snoozin about the Girl, so many stories to share. We caught...

Apr 4, 2016
Where o where do I want to be, these edges of town are pulling at me as is the desire to just be free sometimes I'm unsure what it is...

Mar 3, 2016
Untitled (group shot)
( terrible photograph taken in Camosun's library of this acrylic painting by Angela Grossman titled "Group Shot (Untitled)" ) As part...

May 13, 2015
Steal me from my nine to five take me where I feel alive, let’s go on an everlasting drive just don’t take me home. We’ll skip this...

Mar 18, 2015
At night when streets are empty I often walk alone, like a girl lost in their shadows or the soul heir to their throne. Re-tracing...

Mar 17, 2015
Expect the unexpected I've heard this said before and so I sit awaiting the devil's knock on my door. I feel I've lived in clarity ...

Jan 11, 2015
Vacant Voice
String some words together easier said than done, when pen and page in front of me my mind begins to run. I'll be whisked off to a...

Jun 11, 2014
Simple Smog
I sit here in the shade of smoke laughing cuz my life's a joke, piggy bank smashed - I'm broke but no I don't want out. Perched...